General Town Hall meeting

General Town Hall meeting

November 2nd, 1pm at Celista Hall

This is a continuation of the Town Hall meetings that I started last March. I hope to have a Town Hall meeting every 6 months or so just to bring you up to date on things happening around the community and give you an opportunity to ask questions and give me ideas of things needing attention.

For next Saturdays meeting I’m bringing in some speakers to talk about important things for the winter. I’m planning on half hour sessions with a 15 minute talk and 15 mintues for Q&A.

The agenda looks like this:
12:45 – Doors open
1:00 Welcome and general discussion- Review topics from March Open House
1:30 – Roads – Local Maintenance crew and MoTI
2:00 – Community Watch – Where we are and what’s happening – knowing your neighbourhood
2:30 – Derek Sutherland (CSRD Protective Services) re: Firefighters and Neighbourhood Emergency Program
3:00 – Scotch Creek Water
3:30 – General Q&A
4:00 – Thanks for coming

Bring your friends and a cup of coffee and get involved in your community!

See you there!

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One thought on “General Town Hall meeting

  1. So sorry but I’m out of the area(Nova Scotia) for this meeting. Will it be possible to receive the minutes as I’m very interested, especially in the scotch creek water system. Thank you

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