A high school in Sorrento?

A high school in Sorrento?

What do you think? A possibility? Let the school district know.

Many of you will know that our local school, in Celista, is K-8, which means it covers grades from Kindergarten to Grade 8. Once beyond grade 8 our kids have to be bused into Salmon Arm for grades 9 through 12.

Our school is great! My daughter went there for 9 years, but now, in grade 10, endures a one hour bus ride twice a day. And we’re the lucky ones living in Lee Creek. Those living in Anglemont or St. Ives have significantly longer rides for these young teenagers.

The reality is that we’ll not get a high school in the North Shuswap for many years, if ever… but, there may be a way to at least reduce the length of time spent on the bus.

Right now the school district is looking at long range plans for their facilities. Where do they need more seats, less seats, new schools etc. There is a possibility that with enough interest/pressure/enthusiasm from the people of the North and South Shuswap, a high school could be built in Sorrento.

That would be a real bonus for the North Shuswap (and South Shuswap of course). One of the drawbacks for families moving here is the lack of that high school within a reasonable distance. Long bus rides for kids, long drives for parents for extracurricular activities/visiting friends etc.

There is an online survey that we should all fill out. Whether we have kids or not, the benefits to the North Shuswap suggest that we should all fill it out. A web page with information is on the SD83 website, here. And a direct link to the survey is here.

I encourage all North Shuswap residents to respond. Tell your friends and neighbours. Then let the School District know.

Our School Trustee is Marty Gibbons (mgibbons@sd83.bc.ca).
The board chairperson is Amanda Krebs (akrebs@sd83.bc.ca).
District CEO is Peter Jory (assistant Erin Gorman egorman@sd83.bc.ca)
Send them a quick note, they’d love to hear from you!

Let’s keep the North Shuswap progressing!!

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2 thoughts on “A high school in Sorrento?

  1. YES!! We do need a high school in the Sorrento area. Some high school students are on a bus for 2 or more hours per DAY!

  2. I will send my kids to Salmon Arm no matter what. I think it’s waste of government funding, money needs to be put into the schools that there are. Small schools have less funding, less options and less support. My kids go to Carlin and I requested that, because I didn’t want them going to Sorrento. Carlin is small enough, there simply isn’t enough students to have a high school. Chase high school is small and they don’t have the options or support that Kamloops has. I went to Chase Secondary and transferred to Kamloops secondary in grade 11, for this reason, options. High school kids can travel to salmon Arm and not have any problems, it’s a long day, but I’ve known many who did it and are very successful.

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