SC Bridge Maintenance

You may have noticed the signs on either side of the Scotch Creek bridge, mentioning upcoming maintenance. As you drive by it’s difficult to figure out exactly what they’re doing, and what the closures might be. In discussions with MOTI and AIM Roads it seems that right now they are resurfacing the bridge deck and repaving the approaches. So hopefully things will go a bit smoother when this work is done.
This fall, they’re planning on replacing some of the structural timbers underneath the deck. Angela Lagore (Chamber President) and I chatted with Chad Marsh from MoTI last summer and were told that the bridge was in good shape and they had no plans to replace it at this time. Unfortunately, nothing has changed.
Here is the notice that was put out by AIM Roads regarding the closures:
Notice of Upcoming Bridge Maintenance
Monday-Thursday each week, April 19th – May 13th, 2021.
Nightly CLOSURES from 9:00pm-12:00am and 12:30am-4:00am
Open to vehicles between 12am-12:30am during maintenance.
Pedestrian crossings on the hour each hour.
Emergency Services will be accommodated at all times.
Traffic control personnel will be on site to direct traffic as required. Please do not enter the work area unless directed. A Construction Speed Zone of 50km/hr will be in place for the duration of the project for the safety of road users.
There will be a noticeable deviation in deck height between the old and the new deck planks as well as at the asphalt transitions. Please obey the posted speed limit and use caution at all times when crossing.
Concerns and questions can be directed to the AIM Roads Communications Centre at 866-222-4204.
Thank you in advance for your time and patience while maintenance is performed on the Scotch Creek Bridge.
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