NS Inc. #3 Other possible services

Things that NSInc. may have some have control over.
Besides those things that we can have direct control over, there are other services, typically provided by the Province, where we would have more ability to control outcomes. One might be the provision of Health Services in our community. I look at small incorporated communities like Chase (pop 2400), Barriere (pop 1765), Clearwater (2388), and each of them has an Interior Health community health facility and ambulance service. The North Shuswap (pop 3200) does not and no matter how much we suggest to IH that they should be here, they’ve never indicated they will. With incorporation that could change.
- • Interior Health Services
- o $772,000 is paid towards the Thompson Nicola Regional Health District in 2022
- o These funds go mainly towards Royal Inland Hospital but a portion does go to regional health centres in incorporated places like Barriere, Chase, Clearwater etc.
- o In looking at health care throughout small communities, it certainly seems like anywhere that is incorporated, has a provincial health centre of some kind.
- o Doctors office, local ambulance, road rescue services etc.
- o Study Needed: There may be costs to this beyond just the TRHD costs, we already support the doctors offices here.
NS Inc. #4 tomorrow will discuss Provincial and Federal grants. These are significant sources of funds for our community that we just don’t get a fair share of as part of the Regional District.
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One thought on “NS Inc. #3 Other possible services”
This is a very important consideration. With the population growth in both Chase and the North Shuswap the Health Centre in Chase is being stretcher to the max. A properly funded facility on the North Shuswap is essential and one of the pillars of any community.