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Category: Economic Development

Economic Development Society hires Executive Director

Economic Development Society hires Executive Director

Thursday, May 13, 2021 The Board of Directors of the newly formed Shuswap Economic Development Society (SEDS) are pleased to announce the hiring of John Reed as the Society’s Executive Director.  John brings over 20 years of economic development and project management expertise to the society.  John has been involved in many start-up and business development projects including the design and implementation Trail’s Junior Dragons Den, a highly successful provincial youth business competition, to the development and launch of Western…

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Getting the message out

Getting the message out

During the election I ran on a platform of reasonable growth and communicating with the people of the North Shuswap. Almost 6 months in now (wow, that’s gone fast), and I’m still working on both. And I think they’re both getting better. Growth possibilities are happening with new job opportunities being built and in planning stages, and I’m getting better at this Facebook thing. Also, monthly Kicker articles let you know what’s coming up. Communication in the North Shuswap is…

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Pipe Dreams

Pipe Dreams

pipe dream: noun  – an idea or plan that is impossible or very unlikely to happen – Cambridge English Dictionary So this is what I’ve had for, well, a long long time. The pipe dream of getting water and sewer service into Scotch Creek. Between the current Official Community Plan and the rules laid down by Interior Health, development, or even grandpa subdividing his too large lot, has been on hold. The only thing that would begin to open the…

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